High School Mindfulness

The modern student is pulled in so many different directions and sadly, mental health is often overlooked as a factor in being successful in school.
Our High School Social Emotional Learning Program, named Resiliency 4 Students, teaches simple principles of mindfulness and resiliency. It’s these practices that equip students with the ability to flourish, not flounder.
“I would recommend learning mindfulness if you always seem to be worried or have anxiety or you just want a change in life.”
~Asher M., student
“I found the experience very calming and new because it teaches you to be the best version of yourself.”
~Lauren V., student
Elementary School Mindfulness

We believe empowering students at an early age with simple mindful practices optimizes personal and academic success. Youth ages 10-12 are at a critical age of development and rely heavily on the influences of parents, teachers and peers at school.
Providing students growth-oriented tools at this age develops foundational resilience carried into adolescence and adulthood.
“I have learned being mindful and practicing super powers can really help you focus and pay attention”
“It’s important to love yourself”
“I shared a mindful practice I learned with my dad because he owns his own company and gets stressed.”